Friday, December 14, 2012

My Own Slump and Evolving My Style

I've been thinking about writing a post about how my gaming is evolving by necessity, but I've had a hard time framing the story. Until now. One of my favorite blogger's, Phil Vecchione over at Gnome Stew, recently released an article about getting into a slump. You should go read it. If you haven't already read it, I'd have to wonder why my blog isn't secondary to many others, especially the excellent Gnome Stew, and an article written by the guy behind the phenomenal Never Unprepared. Think of this article as a response to Phil's, or more appropriately, an attempt to commiserate with him--and hopefully you, if you're going through the same thing.

I've been in my slump for years. I'm not just talking about my well-documented "Ooh, Shiny" Syndrome (going forward, referred to as OSS), I mean a slump. I've spent the better part of the last few years miserable about my GMing, and wracked with guilt about changing the game on my players in search for what I needed to change how I felt. There have been several times I've almost quit GMing completely, but I love it so much I couldn't let it go. That said, it's become apparent that something has to change.

Presently, I'm involved with my friend, Sequoyah's, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition game. (Sequoyah's a blogger in his own right; you should check it out.) Sequoyah's game is unique in that he only runs it in short bursts of a few sessions. He also often changes out the players from time-to-time, me being an example. Despite the semi-fleeting nature of the game, Sequoyah manages to have an ongoing story, which still allows for a payoff for both him as a GM, and those players who stick around for more than one of his stories. Whether you're an old hand at his game, or a newcomer, you're guaranteed a solid, well-thought-out story.

Now my OSS prevents me from running the same setting in the way Sequoyah does (and I'm finally comfortable with that notion), but I think I can take something from this. This coming year, I'm starting a new way of running games. I am simply going to prep a story in whatever system/setting I'm feeling at the moment; then I'll invite folks to play. Over time I intend to build a stable of players, while checking off my bucket list of shiny new (and old) games I'd like to run.

I may go back to games from time-to-time--I'll tell my players to keep their characters just in case--but I won't promise anything. Players will be promised an engaging story, but with no long-term commitment, I won't have to feel guilty about changing the game. I'm hoping to expand my GMing skills by trying different styles of games. I want to challenge myself, and know if something doesn't work I can just move on to the next thing. It's also my hope to break my slump.

I can already talk about my first hurdle in this new endeavor. My OSS is thus far preventing me from deciding on my first game! Hopefully I'll be able to get past this and move on with my big plans.

I intend to keep my readers informed about the results of this little experiment, so stay tuned!


  1. Great post Ron. As a player and organizer of all the games I'm in have player churn, and while it took a long time to get used to, it is neat having such a broad group to play with, even for only a short span of time. We have a core group in each game of 3-4 players and the GM and we take others as they come. I love that one of my games has long term continuity, but that also makes the short term games a bit of a relief (and keeps me from getting stagnant) since I can be more risky and try new things (characters, styles, systems) in my mini-series games. Kudos to you for recognizing where you are at as a GM and embracing it, and feel free to post some games on the meetup (I'd be glad to make you an event organizer) it's like a NSA con game anytime you want. Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy! I'd love to be added as an organizer.

  2. I've noticed this in myself for years. What I do is I run games for 8-12 sessions, and I let players know this from the onset. I frame them like television series seasons, and players can "renew" the game from season to season. This allows me to take some time off to try something else or recharge, and the frame allows players to be okay with taking several months off until the next season.

  3. Thanks for the plug, sir!

    I guess I better start writing more posts! I appreciate the pressure. I have been in a slump of my own with the blogging. Not so much the gaming, but I am fortunate in that regard at the moment. I have definitely had my share of dark days! Being part of a larger community of adult gamers and GMing at local conventions has invigorated my GMing style, and you have been part of that. If I helped you improve your game, then I figure that's just the Circle of Life (or the World Tree, or the Mandala, or whatever).

    Thank you, sir!
