Site Policies


Whenever a review or product mention is done because I've received it for free, I'll say so at the beginning of the associated post.

Affiliate Links

Whenever possible, links to products on this site will be affiliate links, as a way to generate a small amount of revenue for my work. Basically, if you click on a link and buy at that time, I'll receive a very small amount of credit, which I can eventually turn into cash—though in the case of PDFs, I'm more likely to use the credit to buy more PDFs.


Over the years, my opinions on reviews have changed. On this blog, I think it’s important I do reviews—to share my interests with readers and to provide information on what I think is the latest and greatest. I have settled on the following policy for reviews found on Gamer: The Blogging.
For Readers:
While I will provide criticism of the products and services I present (nothing’s perfect); I will not be releasing wholly bad reviews. For one thing, many of my friends work in the game industry, and I’ve developed an understanding of the labor of love that is creating and releasing games. I also believe that all games—even those which are not for me—have value. Most importantly, Gamer: The Blogging is my labor of love, and I have no desire to spend my time on games that are truly not for me—a fact that prevents me from giving said game the due diligence it would deserve.
For Publishers:
I am happy to take submissions for review, when they are pre-arranged. Given my above policy, as presented to my readers, I cannot guarantee said reviews will be completed. If I find a game is not for me, I will let you know and offer to return it to you, or in the case of electronic files, delete it permanently. The option for return does not apply to physical products sent with no pre-arrangement.

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