#22: Describe the worst game you've ever played in. What made it so bad? Did your fellow players help, or make it worse?
I was playing in a Witchcraft game several years ago. A good friend was running the game. He wasn't an experienced GM, but he was not the reason the game was so bad. I was.
I'm a really convincing guy. I could sell Bill Gates an iMac if I needed to. Seriously. And my friend running the game is a really nice guy, and kind of a pushover.
Basically, I ran roughshod over him and the game with my ideas. I got him to say yes a lot, and the game stopped being a game. The other players joined in, and they ran all over him too. I felt really bad about it. The game didn't last long, and I've never seen him GM since.
Heck, I've never run or played Witchcraft since. Suckage.
That's too bad, because Witchcraft is a pretty decent game. Actually seeing the image again gave me an idea for a game set in the Day after Ragnarok universe using Witchcraft. Hmmmm!