Thursday, February 4, 2010

To Screen or Not to Screen?

In a fairly recent conversation on the Pinnacle Entertainment Group forums, I argued in favor of using a GM screen to, at least occasionally, hide rolls. The longer the conversation continued, it got me thinking about my philosophies regarding this. Then I read this post from Rob Donoghue's blog, and I had an epiphany. I'd already done some "roll then describe" stuff with my group, but I never applied it in as wide a scope as Rob's article suggests. I also held on to at least a few secret rolls prior to this read. I resolved to give it a try when next I ran a game, which happened to be my first run of Dragon Age last week.

I sat at the table, GM screen in front of me--I had created three additional panels of tables, to supplement the reference on the back of the GM's Guide, in an effort to minimize book flipping. I sat there, GM screen in front of me, and explained how roll then describe would work at our table. The players seemed game to give it a whirl, so we went for it.

When the first combat encounter began, I realized soon that I needed those tables, but I also felt like I was cut off from the rest of the players. The screen I was using was of the vertical style, and I've been using horizontal-style screens for years. I'm sure that extra height added to my discomfort. Since my screen was custom, I pulled the sheets out of the screen. My wife suggested I put them back-to-back in sheet protectors to save space, which I did. We made the quick adjustment and got on with our combat. I must say I have never felt so engaged with my players. I've gone sans screen before, using my hands to hide a roll, but I never actively paid attention to the difference in feel at the table until now.

I can honestly say I don't see myself ever using a GM screen again, outside of having it handy to check out a chart. And if I ever fall back on secret rolls (something I no longer intend to do, but who knows what a given system will require?), there is always my hand to hide them.


  1. This is exactly why BASH! has the rule of "transparency" with the GM. I also (at player's request) made a Narrator's screen- but when I use it myself at the table, it is flat on the table in front of me, not even propped up, just there to see some tables.

  2. Ron,
    This is a good article. For years as a GM I was in the 'you roll and I'll tell you what happened' camp. It's your basic rpg style. I started trying 'roll then describe' last year with my group in our SOTC game. They commented on it but didn't say much after that. I carried it into our Savage Worlds game. I made a point of asking about it after the first session this time. Everybody liked it. At the first Gurgacon in January, I ran a Savage Henford scenario for part of my group and GamerChris and his friend Kenny. I stayed with the 'you tell me what happened' idea and it went over really well. I'm sold on it. It also makes prep easier for me as GM.
    As for screens, I never have used them in the vertical fashion. I don't like being separated from my players. I do have them handy for reference though. I'm with you on secret rolls too.
    I'm enjoying the blog quite a bit. I'll mention it over at Go Forth And Game (

  3. Yes, Say No to the Screen! Also, a tip for hidden rolls ... dice cup! If you want to make a roll dramatic and you want the info to be hidden so the group has to act or react before seeing the results, dice cup! Shake it, invert it in the center of the table. Then let it sit there with the result hidden underneath until it's time for the reveal. This won't take care of all the rolls you might want hidden, but it is a cool way to handle some of them.

  4. Doc, that's a great idea! I don't see that as hiding rolls so much, but in systems where players have currency (like bennies) to spend before they know roll results, it's perfect! I will be adopting this immediately.
